Вікторина - правила гри
Правила гри:
1. Всі гравці, в залежності від їхнього рівня знань теми, колективно обирають "легкий" або "складний" рівень для гри. *У примітці описані інструкції, як грати з гравцями різного рівня кваліфікації.
2. Помістіть всі карти в колоду по центру, догори картинкою.
3. Киньте кубик, щоб визначити, хто буде грати першим. Перший гравець (гравець 1) піднімає верхню карту з колоди, тримаючи її догори картинкою, так що кожен може бачити зображення карти. Потім гравець 1 кидає кубик. Номер на кубику визначає номер питання, яке власник карти буде зачитувати.
4. Гравець 1 задає питання гравцеві 2, який знаходиться справа. (Пам'ятайте, що зачитувати треба запитання із обраного рівня складності.)
5. Якщо гравець 2 відповідає правильно, він забирає карту собі. Якщо - неправильно, гравець 1 повинен прочитати вголос правильну відповідь всім гравцям. Карта повертається в колоду знизу.
6. Тепер гравець 2 бере верхню карту з колоди і кидає кубик. Гравець 2 задає питання гравцю справа. Номер питання визначається номером на кубику. Гра триває в напрямку проти годинникової стрілки навколо столу, поки в колоді є карти. Коли в колоді закінчилися карти, гравці рахують свої карти. Гравець із найбільшою кількістю карт перемагає!
Коли в колоді закінчилися карти, гравці рахують свої карти. Гравець із найбільшою кількістю карт перемагає!
Підказка: Суть гри полягає в тому, що потрібно звернути особливу увагу, коли інші гравці відповідають на питання неправильно. Коли ви почуєте правильну відповідь, спробуйте запам'ятати відповідь, тому що Вам може бути поставлене те ж саме питання пізніше під час гри!
Примітка: Якщо у грі беруть участь гравці із різними рівнями знань, вони можуть обрати різні рівні гри для кожного. Наприклад: двоє батьків грають з двома маленькими дітьми. Батьки можуть обрати "складний" рівень, а діти - "легкий". Під час гри, гравець, який задає питання, повинен пам'ятати, який рівень майстерності гравця справа і завжди ставити питання з цього рівня.
Символи на картах гри:
Вірно чи невірно: Запитуйте вірно чи невірно, коли Ви зачитуєте питання із цим значком.
Мозок: Увага! Це важке питання!
Вибір: Коли власник картки кидає кубик і отримує значок "вибір", гравцю праворуч не потрібно відповідати на питання. Замість цього, він/вона забирає собі карту у будь-якого гравця. Карта із значком "вибір" повертається в низ колоди. Гра продовжується зліва направо.
Викторина - правила игры
Quiz - instructions
Playing the game:
1. All players collectively decide whether to play the "easy" or "hard" skill level, depending on their level of knowledge about the topic. *See the Variation to play with players of varying skill levels.
2. Place all cards in a pile, picture-side up, on the center of the table.
3. Roll the die to determine who goes first. The first player (Player 1) picks up the top card on the pile, holding it up so everyone can see the picture side of the card. Player 1 then rolls the die. The number on the die determines the question that the card holder will ask from the card.
4. Player 1 now asks the question to the player on his/her right (Player 2). (Remember to ask the question from the skill level that has been chosen.)
5. If Player 2 answers correctly, Player 2 gets to keep the card and place it in his/her winnings pile. If the question is answered incorrectly, the card holder must read aloud the correct answer to all players. The card is then returned to the bottom of the central pile.
6. Player 2 now selects a card from the top of the central pile and rolls the die. Player 2 asks a question, determined by the die, to the player on his/her right. Play continues in a counter-clockwise direction around the table until all the cards in the central pile are gone.
*Note: Players do not get a second turn if they answer correctly.
Winning the game: When all the cards from the central pile are gone, players count the cards in their winnings piles. The player with the most cards wins the game!
Hint: The key is to pay careful attention when other players answer questions incorrectly. When you hear the correct answer, try to remember the answer because you might be asked the same question later in the game!
Variation: If players of varying skill levels are playing, players can decide to play different skill levels in the same game. Example: two parents are playing with two young children. Instead of playing one skill level, the parents choose the "Hard" and the children choose the "Easy" skill level. When the game is in play, the player asking the question must remember which skill level the player to his/her right is playing and always ask questions from that level.
Game card symbols:
True Or False: Ask true or false when you get these questions.
Buster: Watch out, these questions are hard!
Choice: When the card holder rolls the die and gets Choice, the player to the right does not need to answer a question. Instead, he/she chooses a card from any player and places it in his/her winnings pile. The Choice card is then returned to the bottom of the central pile. Play continues to the right.
How many wheels did the first gasoline-powered car have: three, four, or six? Three.
How were the first car engines started: electric starter, foot pedals, or hand crank? Hand crank.
What was the first car to be mass-produced on an assembly line? Model T Ford.
Was the first working internal combustion engine powered by alcohol, diesel, or natural gas? Natural gas.
John Dunlop reinvented the air-filled (pneumatic) tire in 1888. What was his profession: mechanical engineer, veterinarian, or wheat farmer? Veterinarian.
The exhaust from a car powered by a fuel cell is carbon dioxide. False (water).
Одяг та текстиль
Одежда и текстиль
Clothing & Textiles
Which was invented first: the loom or the spinning wheel? Loom.
After the invention of the sewing machine, many clothes were made in factories. Before this, where were clothes normally made? At home.
What did Levi Strauss invent? Blue jeans.
Where was silk first discovered: China, Egypt, or India? China.
Where did the idea for velcro come from: burrs, scotch tape, venus flytraps, or zippers? Burrs.
What did Roman men not like to wear: pants, sandals, tunics, or togas? Pants.
Ropa y textiles
Годинник (настінний, наручний)
Часы (настенные, наручные)
Clock, watch, time
What is an Egyptian shadow clock: candle, sand clock, or sundial? Sundial.
Humans first relied on the sun, moon, and stars to tell time. True.
The first calendars were divided into 12 months. False.
Since 1582, what type of calendar is commonly used throughout the world? Gregorian calendar.
Many scientists believe that Stonehenge was an early timekeeping device. True.
What famous inventor is credited with inventing the pendulum clock? Galileo.
What tool, developed thousands of years ago, is considered to be the earliest calculator? Abacus.
Choice. (Choose a card from the player of your choice.)
What invention allowed computers to talk to each other: hard drive, modem, or CPU? Modem.
One of the first mechanical adding machines, the Pascaline, was invented by Blaise Pascal in the 1600s, 1700s, or 1800s? 1600s (1642).
What did Tim Berners-Lee invent in 1989? World Wide Web.
Who is known as "The Father of Computing": Bill Gates, Bill Hewlett, Charles Babbage, or Steve Wozniak? Charles Babbage.
Elevator (lift)
The Light Bulb
A 200 volt light bulb will give off less light than a 120 volt light bulb. False.
Who invented the first practical light bulb: Alexander Bell, Ben Franklin, or Thomas Edison? Thomas Edison.
How many people did it take to change a light bulb in 1550? None (it was invented in the 1860s).
Light bulbs flicker all the time, but they flicker so fast we don't realize it. True.
Which was invented first: fluorescent bulbs, halogen bulbs, or incandescent bulbs? Incandescent bulbs.
A filament produces light inside a light bulb. Which produces more light: a carbon filament or a tungsten filament? Tungsten filament.
La bombilla de luz
Оптика (бінокль, окуляри, мікроскоп, телескоп)
Оптика (бинокль, очки, микроскоп, телескоп)
Optics (binoculars, glasses, microscope)
What were eyeglasses first used for: seeing close objects or seeing far away objects? Seeing close objects.
Which of the following is not an optical invention: glasses, microscope, steam power, or telescope? Steam power.
What is optics the scientific study of? Light and vision.
Do near-sighted people have trouble seeing objects far away or up close? Far away.
What type of lens does a reflecting telescope use? Mirror lens.
How many lenses are normally found in a compound microscope? Two.
Óptica (binoculares, gafas, microscopio, el telescopio)
The Telescope
Were the first telescopes used to observe objects on the ground or in outer space? On the ground.
Before the invention of the telescope, people did not study the stars and planets. False.
Galileo invented the telescope. False.
Using his improved telescope, Galileo discovered what orbiting around Jupiter? Moons.
Where is the Hubble telescope located: Antarctica, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or outer space? Outer space.
What do telescopes need to bend in order to magnify objects? Light.
The biggest problem with plastic is that it can't be formed easily into different shapes. False.
It's important to recycle plastic bottles. How long can they last when they are buried in the ground: 1 year, 140 years, 700 years, or 10 million years? 700 years.
Nylon, a material used to make clothes and tents, is a form of plastic. True.
Which of the following wasn't an early plastic: bakelite, bauxite, or celluloid? Bauxite (rock containing aluminum).
Choice. (Choose a card from the player of your choice.)
When bakelite was invented, it was different from earlier plastics. What was special about it? It was heat proof.
Who is credited with the invention of the printing press: Ben Franklin, Gerardus Mercator, or Johannes Gutenberg? Johannes Gutenberg.
Block printing used single letters on small individual blocks. Where was it invented: America, China, or Europe? China.
Before printing began, how were books made? Written by hand.
During what century was the printing press invented? 15th century.
What was the first book printed on a printing press: the Bible, a book of poetry, a cook book, or a telephone directory? Bible.
The "lead" pencil was invented during the 16th century. What substance do pencils contain? Graphite.
The Radio
Radio signals can travel around the curved surface of the earth. True.
Choice. (Choose a card from the player of your choice.)
Did radio waves exist before the invention of the radio? Yes.
Who developed the first radio: Guglielmo Marconi, Heinrich Hertz, or James Watt? Guglielmo Marconi.
When did the radio become a common household item: 1920s, 1940s, or 1960s? 1920s.
How far did the first radio message travel: less than 2 miles, across the Atlantic, or around the world? Less than 2 miles.
La radio
The Telephone
The telephone is Alexander Graham Bell's only invention. False.
Who patented the telephone: Alexander Graham Bell, Samuel Morse, or Thomas Edison? Alexander Graham Bell.
When was the first telephone invented: 1700s, 1800s, or 1900s? 1800s (1876).
When were cellular phones invented: 1940s, 1970s, or 1990s? 1940s.
What were the first words spoken over a telephone? "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."
Who made improvements to the telephone: Louis Braille, Samuel Morse, or Thomas Edison? Thomas Edison.
El teléfono
Vacuum cleaner
Пральна машина
Стиральная машина
Washing machine
Фотографія (фотоапарат)
Фотография (фотоаппарат)
Photography (photo camera)
Where were photographs developed: lens studio, lightroom, or darkroom? Darkroom.
How long did it take to shoot the first photograph: 1 second, 10 minutes, or 8 hours? 8 hours.
When was the first photograph created: 1700s, 1800s, or 1900s? 1800s.
Who developed the first photograph? Joseph Niepce.
Which was created first: the camera or the telephone? Camera.
Although the first photograph was made in 1827, it took until the early 1900s before the first color photograph was made. False (the first color photo was made in 1860).
Fotografía (cámara fotográfica)
Movies & Television
The first movies did not have sound. True.
Where the first mass-produced televisions black and white or color? Black and white.
Were the first video cameras larger or smaller than a human? Larger.
When were the first television signals sent from the United States to Europe: 1920s, 1940s, or 1960s?
Choice. (Choose a card from the player of your choice.)
Who developed a moving-picture camera called a kinetograph: Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, or Thomas Edison? Thomas Edison.
Pasteurization is the process of farming pastures. False.
What did Louis Pasteur use to keep milk from going bad: heat, ice, or salt? Heat.
Is pasteurization still used today? Yes.
What was killed by Louis Pasteur's heating machine? Bacteria.
After Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization, did he make a lot of money? No.
What was pasteurized first: apple juice, milk, or wine? Wine.
The Wheel
It is believed that the first wheel was invented for making pottery. True.
Choice. (Choose a card from the player of your choice.)
What material was used to make the first wheels? Wood or stone.
In 1888, John Dunlop patented the inflatable tire. Was it for his son's car, tricycle, or wagon? Tricycle.
Spokes were invented around 2000 BC. Why were spokes added to some wheels? To make them lighter.
What was originally used to make wheel bearings: glass, hardened clay, or wood and leather? Wood and leather.
The first bicycles had chains. False.
What was a penny farthing: unicycle, high-wheeled bicycle, or three-wheeled bicycle? High-wheeled bicycle.
The first bicycles had wheels that were both the same size. False.
The dandy horse and hobby horse were early bicycles. Did they have pedals? No.
Who sketched a design that looked almost exactly like a modern bicycle, 400 years before one was built? Leonardo da Vinci.
How many wheels did the first bicycles have? Two.
Architecture & Construction
What structural shape allowed Chinese bridges to last four centuries: arch, beehive, or triangle? Arch.
The world's first skyscraper was built in the 1880s in what city: Chicago, Philadelphia, or London? Chicago.
What invention, used by the Romans, brought water into the cities: aqueduct, bathhouse, or water pump? Aqueduct.
What ancient civilization invented concrete: Babylonians, Egyptians, Incas, or Romans? Romans.
What architectural wonder was built in India during the mid 1600s by the emperor Shah Jahan? Taj Mahal.
Glue was first patented in the 1700s. What was this glue made from: elephant ears, fish, rubber, or tree sap? Fish.
Medical Inventions (1)
Robert Koch, a German doctor, founded bacteriology. What is bacteriology? Study of bacteria.
What does a pacemaker control: brainwaves, breathing, or heartbeats? Heartbeats.
Penicillin was discovered by accident. True.
What hormone, used to treat diabetes, was discovered by Frederick Banting and Charles Best? Insulin.
What "gas" did Humphrey Davy discover, allowing doctors to stop giving patients whiskey to dull the pain of surgery? Laughing gas (nitrous oxide).
Podiatry is the study of diseases that afflict what body part? Feet.
Medical Inventions (2)
What tool, using a concentrated beam of light, was first used in surgery in 1985? Laser.
What invention made it possible to see inside the human body using flexible tubes: fiber optics, forceps, or X-rays? Fiber optics.
Aspirin can be found naturally in some plants and trees. True.
X-rays can be described as low-enerty electromagnetic waves. False (high-energy).
In 1950, John Hopps invented the world's first pacemaker. It was so big, it couldn't fit inside the body of a patient. True.
Which of the following discoveries made surgery safer because of its germ-killing abilities: antiseptics, aspirin, insulin, or x-rays? Antiseptics.
It is not known when or where glass first originated. True.
How long does it take for glass to decompose: 10 years, 100 years, 1000 years, or 1 million years? 1 million years.
Glass can be recycled only once. False.
What is plexiglas: carbon, glass, or plastic? Plastic.
Choice. (Choose a card from the player of your choice.)
Which of the following is not used to make glass: aluminum, sand, soda ash, or limestone? Aluminum.
What system of writing, invented for blind people, uses a series of dots to represent words? Braille.
The first known typewriter, invented in 1808, was made to help blind people write. True.
Which came first: the ballpoint pen or the fountain pen? Fountain pen.
The Egyptians used a form of writing that used pictures instead of letters. What is this called? Hieroglyphics.
What alphabet do we still use today: Etruscan alphabet, Greek alphabet, or Roman alphabet? Roman alphabet.
Who first invented paper: Babylonians, Chinese, or Syrians? Chinese.
The first submarine was built in the 1600s. True.
The Egyptians added sails to their boats to allow them to travel up what river? Nile River.
What propelled boats before sails were invented? Paddles.
Which came first: the paddlewheel or the screw propeller? Paddlewheel.
Who invented an underwater breathing device known as the aqualung: Blaise Pascal, Charles Babbage, or Jacques Cousteau? Jacques Cousteau.
What were U-boats? Submarines.
Food & Cooking
When was the first electric household refrigerator made: 1700s, 1800s, or 1900s? 1900s.
Who invented the charcoal briquette: Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, or Percy Briquette? Henry Ford.
The concept of the microwave oven was discovered by accident. True.
The first electric refrigerators were cooled with poisonous substances. True.
What type of oven has a fan to circulate heat, allowing food to be cooked evenly? Convection oven.
Freon was first used in the 1930s as a coolant. Why is freon banned in Canada? It harms the ozone layer.
The first steam engine was invented by the Greeks in the 1st century. True (the Aeolipile).
Who made major improvements to the early steam engine: Daniel Fahrenheit, James Watt, or Nicola Tesla? James Watt.
Railways were used before the invention of the steam engine. True (for manually-pulled carts).
Which was invented first: diesel locomotives or electric trains? Electric trains (trams in cities).
When were the first electric trains developed: 1700s, 1800s, or 1900s? 1800s (1879).
Thomas Savery was the first to patent a steam engine. What did he develop the engine for: automobile, steamship, train, or water pump? Water pump.
What country built the MIR space station: Japan, Russia, or United States? Russia.
Special toilets and showers were invented for use in outer space so they could operate without what: electricity, gravity, oxygen, or water? Water.
Sunglasses were originally invented for astronauts. False.
What powered the first solid-fuel rockets: coal, gunpowder, hydrogen, or uranium? Gunpowder.
Choice. (Choose a card from the player of your choice.)
Which of the following was originally invented for use in outer space: false teeth, smoke detectors, powdered orange juice, or vitamin pills? Smoke detectors.
What brothers were the first to successfully fly in a self-powered airplane? Wilbur & Orville Wright.
What powered the propellers on the Wright brothers' airplane: gasoline engine, manpower, or steam engine? Gasoline engine.
Hot air balloons were the first passenger aircraft. True.
Charles Verne and Leonardo da Vinci both had early designs for flying machines. True.
What was the Wright brothers' airplane named: Kitty Hawk, Spirit of St. Louis, or The Wright Flyer? The Wright Flyer (flight took place at Kitty Hawk, NC).
The Wright brothers were the first humans to fly. False (Montgolfier brothers in a hot air balloon).
General Topic
Benjamin Franklin invented fire insurance in America. True.
The first Ferris Wheel was opened in 1893 in Chicago. How did it compare to modern day Ferris wheels: larger, smaller, or the same size? Larger (seat 2000 people).
Yo-yos were invented about 100 years ago. False (over 2500 years ago).
Bubblegum was invented by Frank Fleer in 1906. What was originally wrong with it? It was too sticky.
Food was first canned in a metal container in 1810. How were the first cans opened: can opener, hammer and chisel, screwdriver, or teeth? Hammer and chisel.
Why did people sometimes need a mirror to read what Leonardo da Vinci wrote? He sometimes wrote backwards.
Famous Inventors
The thermometer was invented by Galileo in 1593. What did he use, inside a glass tube, to measure the temperature: gasoline, mercury, or water? Water.
Leonardo da Vinci had designs for many inventions including a helicopter, parachute, and tank. True.
Benjamin Franklin invented electricity. False (he discovered it).
What was the name of the village where Leonardo da Vinci was born? Vinci.
Which of the following was not invented by Ben Franklin: bifocal glasses, lightning rod, odometer, or typewriter? Typewriter.
Toilet paper was invented by Joseph Gayetty in 1857. What did people use before that: handkerchiefs, pages out of catalogs, or their shirt sleeves? Pages out of catalogs.
Music & Sound
The first recording ever made was a recital of "Mary Had a Little Lamb". True.
Who invented the phonograph: Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, or Isaac Newton? Thomas Edison.
The first flutes were made from the hollow bones of sheep. True.
When were compact discs first introduced: 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s? 1980s (1982).
Thomas Edison invented the photograph while working in his famous laboratory. What was his laboratory called? Menlo Park.
Which part of the microphone converts sound waves into electrical signals: diaphragm, filament, or vacuum? Diaphragm.